Participant Centred

Participants are at the heart of participatory arts practice. They are varied and individual; each project will need new thinking about the needs of the specific individuals and groups involved. If the needs of people ‘beyond’ or ‘outside’ the room conflict with the needs of participants, then further discussion is needed to confirm that everyone who's involved knows what they need to do to support the project. Think about the project from the participant's point of view and what it will look like to them if its good.

Key quality indicators include:

  • The project or programme is designed around the needs of participants
  • You have included the participants in the design and planning of the project or programme
  • It is clear to all stakeholders how participants will be supported through their journey
  • Any specific participant needs have been addressed e.g. dietary or access requirements

Your Space – note down the key quality indicators for your project / programme in relation to this principle, or use the worksheet to make a personal map:

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