Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find more help and advice on running a good project?

Have a look at our Tools and Resources section. We have created some tools to help you work your way through the quality principles. There are also links here to other resources that you might find helpful, including a partnership toolkit (which includes templates for budgets, risk assessments, etc) and information on evaluation.

I need a mentor! Who can help me think through my ideas?

Any of the ArtWorks Cymru Partners would be happy to mentor you and help you think through your ideas! Find out who your closest partner is. You could also contact Arts Council Wales, who run regular funding surgeries across Wales.

Where can I find training and continuous professional development opportunities?

Sometimes it's difficult to find training and continuous professional development opportunities in your local area. If you are a member of a membership organization (see Tools and Resources), they will run regular training and CPD opportunities. You can also find out about events in Wales through the Arts Council of Wales website, or through the ArtWorks Cymru Facebook page.

Where can I read more about the research around quality?

If you are a research geek, there are plenty of reports in the ArtWorks Cymru Knowledge Zone and also in the ArtWorks Alliance Publication Library.

Where can I find funding for the projects I want to run?

Arts Council Wales provide funding for arts projects across Wales. They hold regular funding surgeries across Wales where you can ask questions about how to fund your project. There are also a range of trusts and foundations that support participatory arts projects. You could also explore crowdfunding your project using Crowdfunder or Kickstarter.