Tools and Resources

We have designed a set of tools to help you think about quality within the projects or programmes that you are delivering, and you can download them here.

ArtWorks Cymru Quality Principles


Quality Principles Booklet

Quality Principles Booklet - Easy Read

Quality Principles Worksheet

Quality Principles Reflection Tool 

Artist Checklist 

Commissioners Checklist 


Quality Principles Reflection Tool


Further resources

You can also find a range of other key resources and links in the ArtWorks Cymru Knowledge Zone. Here are some of the latest resources that have been developed through ArtWorks Cymru.

Learning Approaches – guidance on models for reflection on practice

Artist in Hospitals Toolkit

Ready, Steady, Go Resource – helpful links for artists at the start of their career

Partnership Toolkit



Here are links to some of the funding and membership organisations who support artists who work in participatory settings:

Arts Council Wales 

ArtWorks Alliance

People Dancing: the foundation for community dance

Sound Sense: supporting community music

Engage Cymru: membership organisation for gallery education in Wales

National Association of Writers in Education

a.n artist network

Trac Cymru - folk development for Wales

National Association of Youth Theatres