ArtWorks Cymru now seeking projects for Seed Fund 2.

Date: 12/08/2015 | Category: News

Mae ArtWorks Cymru yn awr yn gwahodd artistiaid, cyrff a sefydliadau addysg bellach ac addysg uwch i gyflwyno cynigion fydd yn rhannu ac adeiladu ar arfer da, ac a allai ysgogi datrysiadau gweithio newydd a all 'newid y sgwrs' am gelfyddydau cyfranogol yng Nghymru.

Rydym eisiau ysgogi partneriaethau newydd a phresennol i gydweithio i ymchwilio rhai o'r materion allweddol sy'n ganolog i raglen ArtWorks Cymru a byddai gennym ddiddordeb derbyn cynigion yn ymwneud â datblygu:

• ymarfer rhwng comisiynwyr tu allan i'r celfyddydau ac artistiaid
• cysylltiadau rhwng artistiaid, sefydliadau celfyddydol ac addysg bellach ac addysg uwch
• rhannu ymarfer rhwng gwahanol ddulliau celf, camau gyrfa neu gyd-destunau
• dulliau digidol ar gyfer tyfu cymuned ymarfer yng Nghymru

Darllenwch y Briff Cronfa Sbarduno 2 am fwy o wybodaeth.

Yr amser cau ar gyfer cyflwyno cynigion yw 5pm ddydd Llun 25 Ionawr 2016 fan bellaf.

I gael trafodaeth anffurfiol am y briff cysylltwch â Rhian Hutchings, Rheolwr Partneriaeth ArtWorks Cymru ar os gwelwch yn dda.

ArtWorks Cymru is now inviting artists, organisations and further and higher education institutions to come forward with proposals that will share and build on good practice, and could generate new working solutions that may 'change the conversation' around participatory arts in Wales.

We want to stimulate new and existing partnerships to work together to explore some of the key issues at the heart of the ArtWorks Cymru program, and would be interested to receive proposals in relation to the development of:

• practice development between non-arts commissioners and artists
• connections between artists, arts organisations and further and higher education
• practice sharing between different artforms, career stages or contexts
• digital methods for growing the community of practice in Wales

Download the Seed Fund Brief to find out more.

Please submit a proposal by 5pm on Monday 25th January 2016 at the latest.

For an informal discussion about the brief please contact ArtWorks Cymru Partnership Manager Rhian Hutchings on